Sunday, September 4, 2011

Blog Notification

Due to issues with this blog, I have moved to the posts on this blog will remain, but there will be no new posts. For all new posts please visit my new blog.

In addition to that, I am now writing for Soyou may also keep up with me there.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Memory Cards

The common idea among many amateurs is that all memory cards are the same. The thought that the only difference is either price, or size is silly. While in some cases you are paying for a brand, that is not always the case.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Phone Shot

In this new era, the camera on a smart phone can be far superior to the point and shoots of yesteryear. But, this is not the case for all of them. A bad camera mixed with poor shooting practices will destroy an image.
First thing is first. How do you take a picture with a camera phone. It is different than using a DSLR. The first thing to keep in mind is the extreme lack of power. At most you will have 8mega pixels. Of course there is no optical zoom either. No changing of aperture, no adjusting of exposure times. You are alone.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Depth of Field Preview

Depth of field is important. Unless you are a top notch photographer; chances are you're not getting the aperture right on the first shot. Fortunately there is a handy little button on most DSLR's that allow you to see the depth of field before pressing the shutter release. I admit that when I first ran across this handy little button it was accidental. At first glance all it appears to do is darken the overall image. Of course there is so much more. The button is the "depth of field preview" button. By pressing this button you can see exactly how the image will be focused when captured. While the depth of field preview button was far more important during the days of film, it is still a useful time saving tool. No longer do you need to take your eye away from the viewfinder to see what you need.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Panoramas: A How To

What is more striking than a panorama? You are hiking through the forest, walk around a corner. There it is, a vista that is so striking you must take it home. There are a few different options. The first being wide-angle photography. In wide angle photography a special lens is used. This lens will allow you to capture far more of a scene than a traditional lens. Of course a wide angle lens may still not be able to capture the entire scene, you may also not have a wide angle lens. After all, lenses are pretty damn expensive. There is an easy answer though. With a little bit of planning and some Photoshop magic that entire striking scene can be yours.


The great thing about digital photography is that learning settings is pretty easy. Find a target and fire away until you get everything just right. The results are instant. You don't have to worry about wasting a shot. If the end result sucks like a mother is unsavory, simply delete it and move on. Now film is a delicate creature. There is no guess and check. Once your shot is taken, that is it. You have 24 shots on that roll and by god you had better get at least one right. Of course, this is where we run into another obvious issue.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Play With Your Knob.

A good friend of mine, who happens to be just getting into digital photography himself, asked me what on earth the different camera settings do. I could never find a simple clean cut quick answer. So I will do my best to answer as simply as I can. Because I am a Canon man, I will be describing things in Canon terms. But these are things all camera users should know, so listen up.